Data Services

Data management involves the processes and organization of data to manage private, public, internal and external information. Data management, at its fundamental level, is the consolidation of information in a way that is easy to manage, retrieve, and maintain. Companies manage their data with a data management plan.

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Different types of data management services that Place IT Hub provide:


Place IT Hub has expertise in all types of data conversion. We specialize in the digitization of large volumes of content: newspapers, books, journals, public records and a variety of forms, surveys, indexes and other documents from print, electronic images & microfilm.

Risk in implementing pre-built ERP

Features of an Place IT Hub business intelligence solution may include data capture and conversion from existing systems, data updating and incorporation of customized tools to allow analysis at different levels of the business, and maintenance and data archiving services, to ensure data is stored systematically and available on demand.

Our low cost digital archiving & metadata conversion services allow for libraries, repositories of special collections and other organizations with limited budgets to digitize their archives for web publication.

Place IT Hub provides XML, SGML and HTML conversion of your documents for content delivery via the Internet. We also offer XML training, conversion of data to XML, and general XML consulting. We can help businesses in any industry assess their unique XML opportunities and needs, implement appropriate XML applications, and maintain and update XML content.

SGML conversion is slightly different from HTML conversion or XML conversion in that the language uses some additional tags like DATATAG, OMITTAG, SUBDOC tags.

Place IT Hub provides HTML / XML / SGML conversions services - from simple hard copy paper documents to web based information articles, manuals, legal documents etc - across a wide variety of browsers and platforms. Place IT Hub do these conversions with assured quality - the hallmark of Place IT Hub.

Data Conversion of XML and SGML:

The data conversion to XML includes journals, books, and pamphlets that are now in print form as well as information that currently reside on CDs. Once the XML conversion is complete, apply HTML (Hypertext Mark-up Language) styling to the content for display on the web.

Place IT Hub convert contents from various proprietary formats-such as word processing and graphics software-into the XML format, which consists of content- descriptive tags. It companies are doing the conversion to XML now. Once the conversion of existing content is completed, maintaining and updating the original source is relatively simple.

SGML XML Conversion Benefits: -

SGML/XML focuses on categorizing content saving time and money. A well thought out and meticulously applied tag set will let you enjoy the full benefits of XML. When converting to SGML/XML, however, the emphasis is on text and structure, not text and appearance. In addition, unlike appearance information, structure information is often not present in the original document. Off-the-shelf software tools are incapable of accurately inferring, in an arbitrary context, how a specific paragraph is supposed to be tagged. Companies that specialize in SGML/XML conversions usually develop a suite of proprietary software conversion tools, and then customize them for each client's needs. For more information on XML conversion & SGML conversion services,

We provide more data management services.
  • Data Entry
  • Data Capture and Indexing
  • Forms Processing and Microfilm Digitization
  • Newspaper Digitization
  • Place IT Hub conversion solutions include:
  • Paper, fiche, and microfilm scanning services
  • Text encoding to XML, SGML, XHTML, proprietary formats as well as other distance learning formats, printon
  • demand formats, and electronic book formats such as Microsoft, Open eBook (OEB) and Adobe PDF
  • OCR and re-keying services
  • Electronic publishing database design
  • Indexing and abstracting services